Sales careers
The 7 Laws of Sales Success
There are certain "Laws" of the universe which successful people often leverage, and today's' sales people must learn to embrace some of these important laws to ensure future sales success.
Sales careers
There are certain "Laws" of the universe which successful people often leverage, and today's' sales people must learn to embrace some of these important laws to ensure future sales success.
Sales careers
If you are still performing 20th century outreach tactics like "cold calling" then you are not just destroying your own career, but you are also destroying your employers brand and therefore their business.
B2B Sales
We must stop teaching sales people how to ‘push’ buyers, and instead start training and coaching them on how to become highly specialised teachers.
B2B Sales
When you teach sales people how to ‘push’ buyers through a sales playbook you are teaching them how to destroy your business reputation.
Sales careers
What is the profile of a modern sales person? This article was written by Graham Hawkins and it first appeared on the Salesforce Blog in July 2018:
B2B Sales
B2B sales has now changed so dramatically that it's a "profession" that is barely recognisable to the role that both Tony Hughes and Graham Hawkins began about 30 years ago - respectively.
B2B Sales
Vendors are now being forced to give the buyer the buying experience that they now demand, and that means ceasing & desisting with the outdated vendor-PUSH sales tactics.
B2B Sales
The change that we are now witnessing in buyer tastes and preferences means a big swing from outbound sales activities to INBOUND, and that requires vendors to remove any misalignment that may exist between your sales execution approach and what buyers now want from the buying experience.
B2B Sales
Deloitte Sales Effectiveness is headed up by Mr Brandon Kulik (Principal Sales Effectiveness), and in this conversation I ask Brandon about sales related challenges that Deloitte is now helping their clients with. From educated buyers and the changing tech landscape, we are seeing more and more change in the traditional sales role. The be a solution provider you have to have a solution - and assembled solution.
B2B Sales
A crimes is now being committed against sales people, and enough is enough.
B2B Sales
Everyone knows that cash-flow is the ‘life-blood’ of every business.....as they say, “revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is king”.
B2B Sales
The sales leader role is not only the most important, but it's also the most difficult role in every business. Sadly most sales leaders are having a horrible time right now
Sales careers
So much of the sales role is still lived in a fog of automatic and habitual behaviour due largely to outdated leadership that has failed to recognise this new customer-led era that we now live in.
B2B Sales
Sales quotas and commission payments drive self-centered behaviors and this is why there has always been the embedded distrust of sales people. Lots of vendors are now waking up and moving towards buyer aligned measurements and rewards...and not before time.
B2B Sales
If you still measure and manage B2B sales people around sales quotas, commissions and a steadfast focus on top-line revenue attainment, then you are being surpassed by the savvy vendors whom have already woken up to the new reality.
Sales careers
If you currently work in B2B sales, then you need to begin thinking differently about your career direction and begin to plan appropriately for all of the change that is coming.
B2B Sales
It has always been important to go, and be, where your customers are... physically and online.
B2B Sales
Sales people simply don't spend enough time selling.
B2B Sales
People buy from people that they "know, like and trust" right? Not any more!
B2B Sales
Buyers need to do more business with fewer vendors…meaning that your marketing is shrinking.
Career change
Sales people who embrace working with bots and leverage advanced technology will be well positioned to survive the big cull that his now coming.
B2B Sales
"There is only one boss: the customer. And he can fire everyone in the company, simply by spending his money somewhere else"
B2B Sales
Are you a memorable sales person?
B2B Sales
Why sales people MUST stop focusing on 'net new' customers.
B2B Sales
Why we must drop the word “sales” from all business dialogue.
B2B Sales
Sales people must stop pushing…..and start using honey!
B2B Sales
Stop listening to sales guru's and just ask your customers how they want to buy?
Career change
The 5 Forces of 'change' for Sales People
B2B Sales
Kevin Bacon is helping to kill cold calling…..hallelujah!
B2B Sales
Sales Prospecting – are you just digging up dirt?
B2B Sales
Is you sales leader the most important, or the most dangerous person in your business?.
B2B Sales
Will your role survive in a digitally enabled sales force?
Sales careers
Sales people (and vendor organisations) need to transform radically to survive a tsunami of change that is coming.
B2B Sales
It's hardly surprising that the ‘generalists’ are now routinely being viewed by their customers as “adding no value”.
Sales careers
Sellers need to be business improvement specialists!
B2B Sales
Sales is no longer about the sales process!
B2B Sales
Is your sales department a Wholesaler or Retailer?
B2B Sales
Is your sales leader barking mad? Or are they just ignoring the facts?
B2B Sales
You are misleading yourself when you measure your pipeline!
B2B Sales
Sales people are measured and managed by metrics that encourage and foster the wrong behaviours. Focusing on 'pipeline size' is a big mistake.
B2B Sales
Sales people are notoriously bad when it comes to selling themselves....why?
B2B Sales
'Team Composition' is the key to driving high performing sales teams.
Sales careers
Despite the conjecture, sales is still the most important role in every business.
B2B Sales
People buy from people right? Really?
B2B Sales
Career change
Vast numbers of sales people are about to be culled.
B2B Sales
Why sales people MUST start focusing on their existing customers.
Sales careers
Sales people must URGENTLY take charge of their own self-development…..or find a new career.
B2B Sales
Structured 'on-boarding' for sales people will provide your business with massive ROI.
B2B Sales
Sales people are now failing to perform a critically important component of their role: the gathering of Market Intelligence (MI).
B2B Sales
Sales & Marketing alignment is now absolutely fundamental to success in 2017 and beyond.
B2B Sales
You are now in danger of being culled from the vendor stack, and you had better start asking the right questions or you are going to cost you employer lots of money.
B2B Sales
Are you wondering why your sales conversion rates are low? and why you staff attrition rate is high? Perhaps it’s because your sales model is stuck in the 1980’s. Perhaps it's because you are treating your sales people like robots?
B2B Sales
Some sales basics that many seem to forget!
B2B Sales
If you are currently running or overseeing a B2B sales force, and finding the following challenges then you are not alone:
B2B Sales
There is mounting evidence that ‘risk’ now plays the single most critical role in practically every buying decision.
Sales careers
…..because sales people no longer participate in the "entire" buying journey:
B2B Sales
Building pipeline coverage is a mistake….’qualifying out’ is what increases productivity.
B2B Sales
Buyers now have greater leverage than ever before - what does that mean for sales people:
B2B Sales
Are you assessing the right things?
B2B Sales
Sales teams have never really been 'teams'……just individuals working autonomously under the same corporate structure.